Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Nose Nuisance

You might be asking yourself why in the world I would put a picture of my son's name written in playdough on my blog. Well, I will tell you why. It is because Landon refused to let me take a picture of what ended up happening to this piece of work I worked so hard on. I left the room for a few minutes to take a phone call and when I returned I found both of Landon's nostrils bulging with blue playdough. As you can imagine, playdough is not easy to remove from a human nostril. After a few attempts to get it out with playdough tools, and several attempts to blow the playdough out, we finally cleared his nostrils. The next step, of course, was to reprimand Landon for what he had done and warn him not to do it again. He looked up so innocently and said, "but what if it's yellow".


twarpula said...

sounds like Landon is going to give you some Hejl. ha!

Andi Hawkins said...

Boys are so ooky. I hope you got a cootie shot before you removed the snot-soaked play dough. Yikes!